"Come and have breakfast," Jesus said to His disciples on the shore by the Sea of Tiberias. He is alive and well, having gone through suffering, death and hell for us all. He is Back! He is risen! And He is with us, His disciples, always, watching, loving, guiding, and inviting us to Himself.
"Come and have breakfast." O Lord, I'd love to, I will, I'll come. Because You feed me with the choicest and the best healthy and life-giving food and drink. And You do not upbraid me for my many failings and foolishness. You draw me in and You love me just as I am.
O let me come and let me stay! For lunch and dinner and supper too. We will eat and fellowship together. You will fill me and then send me, going before me, I know, filled and ready to do Your perfect will.
(John 21:1-14)