I wake up very early nowadays, and after the bathroom, will come to the desktop here. I'm supposed to go to the Word first, but still get here, and while putting on moisturing cream on my feet and hands, check the latest in my favourite links.
Still, I must overcome this, and go straight to the Word!
And to this too, to think and write.
"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
In the morning, I lay my requests before You
and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3
How wonderful is His love to me: that He should want to hear my voice the very first thing in the morning! My thoughts turn to Him and my heart sings praise to Him, my Maker, Redeemer and Friend.
I'm using the Bible Reading Plan of the Bible Society of Malaysia now and want to complete reading the whole Bible in one year. Your Word is truly food for my soul, drink for my spirit, light for my mind, and a lamp for my feet. Thank you, thank you for your wonderful Word.
I started memorising the Psalms last month and wanted to do all 150 of them. Well, I'm just at no. 8! Consistency and discipline is what I lack and need.
O Lord, hear my voice and plea: help me be consistent and disciplined in reading your Word every day, and in memorising it, hiding it in my heart that I might not sin against you, but that I might live it out every moment day and night.
O Lord, help me set apart the mornings for you, consecrate the new minutes and hours of each dawn to you, to hear your voice and to speak to you.
There is no one else that I'd rather spend these precious moments with, no one else but you, and you alone.