Thursday, September 27, 2007

What is man....

"What a piece of work is man!
How noble in reason!
how infinite in faculties!

in form and moving, how express and admirable!
in action, how like an angel!
in apprehension, how like a god!

the beauty of the world!
the paragon of animals!

And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
man delights not me; no, nor woman neither...."
William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

What is man indeed? A noble creature capable of dreaming dreams and doing great deeds, or merely dust and lust and animal appetites?

The Bar's Big Walk for Justice went well inspite of the show of intimidation by the police and FRU forces and trucks. The internet is full of pictures and videos of about 2000 mostly lawyers and other concerned citizens walking "peacefully and with dignity" even cheerfully, in the sun and under the darkening sky and then the pouring rain. Si Khoon was there, as was the Rev. Sivin Kit, Tricia Yeoh, and many many other recognisable faces who can be seen in the photos. It's a good beginning, and Lord, don't let it be too long a walk indeed.

But the situation in Myanmar has exploded and the junta have shown their true colours again. The death count mounts, and Lord, I can only pray again, have mercy upon the poor people of Myanmar! How long have they suffered and endured, and how long more? Let Your justice and deliverance come soon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Prayer Marching

Today there's going to be a march in Putrajaya. It's organised by the Bar Council and it will be from the grandiose Palace of Justice to the Prime Minister's office to hand him a memorandum calling for a Royal Commission on the state of the judiciary in the country. I would like to be there, donned in black and white too, to say "Enough!" But the boys have EYAA and I am the chauffeur, and I've got a date with my sis while they have their session.

In Myanmar, the protest marches grew from hundreds to ten thousand, 2o, 50 thousand, then 100,000. But now the junta have imposed a curfew and banned assemblies of more than 5 people in the two largest cities. The pictures and videos of the monks, nuns, students and other people marching in the rain in the streets of Yangon and other cities have opened the window to Myanmar for me, and my heart for the people there. I want to go there and march with them. I want to go there as scheduled in October with our group of 13. We wait and watch and pray: all things are in Your hands, O Lord. Let Your good and perfect will be done in Myanmar, let Your mercy and grace, righteousness and justice, peace and deliverance, flow to that lovely land and people in abundance.

And Lord, Malaysia, my country, too!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Back Again Again

So, it's almost one year since the last post. I couldn't even find my own blog and had to use my gmail to search for it, and then had to try several usernames and passwords before I could get in here. Wow. At first, I thought I'd just let this blog lie dead among all the millions of blogs and start a new one. But then, hey, I've got old stories and pictures I'd still like to read and look at now and then, even if no one else does. So, here I am.

I've stopped reading the KJV and Bahasa Bibles (Alkitab Berita Baik), and started on the One Year Bible, Kingsway Publications, which is the Living Bible, a thought-for-thought translation, on September 1. Nice refreshing change. Because of the dates, I am forced to keep at it, otherwise I find myself falling behind.

Today is 911: infamous day. The war continues and will continue, as the war between good and evil has been going on since the fall of man. But my hope is in the Lord who reigns and is the Victorious One: He holds all things together and will accomplish His purposes to His glory.